Exploring Sustainable Landscape Practices in Rubber Plantations in a Critical wildlife Corridor

Submitted by srini on Sat, 07/23/2016 - 00:45

Critical wildlife corridors often pass through land under different types of ownership. This includes government owned forests, individual landowners and company owned estates. Restoring/maintaining connectivity in areas under the control of the Forest Department is easily achieved. However, doing so on privately owned areas needs alternatives especially when outright purchase is not an option. This project explored an alternative approach through which large plantation and estate owners could be encouraged to manage their land in a wildlife-friendly manner.


A website (https://www.feralindia.org/ecoag) on ecologically sustainable practices for rubber plantations has been developed. This website also gives infrmation on eco-certification for natural rubber and rubber wood.



Project Information


Srinivas Vaidyanathan

Project Information


Duration: to

Funding Agencies:

Critical Eco system partnership fund - USA

Partner Institutes

  • Rainforest Alliance Project Partner

Forest areas adjoin many of the rubber plantations in Shencottah gap A mosaic of landcover types in the Shenkottah gap
FERAL - once wild, runs wild again.