Human Elephant Conflict in Northern Orisa

Submitted by Rauf Ali on Fri, 07/08/2016 - 23:49


Human-Elephant conflict has been reported from Orissa for a long time. In recent years it has been reported that due to the vast increase in mining activities in the northern districts of Orissa: Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Sundergarh, Deogarh and Angul, the amount of conflict has increased. Added to this is the fear that climate driven vegetational changes will exacerbate the conflict even more. This study was geared to analyse the different factors that might affect human-elephant conflict in this area, as well as to make policy recommendations.


Project Information


Project Information


Duration: to

Funding Agencies:

Institute of Global Warmining and Ecosystem Studies - New Delhi

Tiger reserve
FERAL - once wild, runs wild again.