@misc{436, keywords = {capacity building, GIS, remote sensing, thematic training}, author = {R.S. Bhalla}, title = {Thematic training on GIS and remote sensing for conservation research and planning}, abstract = {

The project has trained over a hundred professionals and researchers active in the field of conservation and ecology in the Western Ghats in the use of spatially explicit tools. Materials prepared for the workshops are available on-line and include tutorials, quizzes and sample datasets.
Moving on from basic use of GIS and remote sensing, this tranche of courses dealt with applications in spatial analysis, landscape ecology and processing large datasets for hydrology and land-cover mapping and change.
This project is being followed up by a multi-institutional project which will offer short accredited courses in quantitative techniques required by researchers and practitioners in wildlife sciences and conservation.

}, year = {2014}, pages = {65pp}, month = {06/2014}, publisher = {Foundation for Ecological Research, Advocacy and Learning (FERAL)}, address = {Pondicherry}, language = {eng}, }